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Wrz 05 2024
Potwór Fellbeast na reset 3800 został wprowadzony razem z nowym udoskonaleniem. Nie zapomnij ukończyć normalnych zadań, dobre nagrody czekają na silne potwory.
Sie 29 2024
Nowy system. Idle Energy gromadzi się co 10 minut, niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś online, czy offline, w zależności od liczby resetów. Ta energia może zostać przekształcona w życie i manę w ołtarzach świątyń każdego miasta. Aby sprawdzić swoją aktualną energię i potencjalne zyski, użyj poleceń !idle lub !energy. Więcej informacji znajdziesz w Wiki.
Cze 25 2024
Miasto Netulco zostało uruchomione! Odwiedź je, zdobądź specjalne przedmioty, nowe wierzchowce i nowy outfit. Wiele tajemnic czeka, wiele do odkrycia i eksploracji.
Cze 15 2024
Użyj komendy !quest, aby sprawdzić ukończone i nieukończone zadania na swojej postaci.
Kwi 25 2024
Nowe komendy: !autopotion: Aktywuje automatyczne używanie mikstur, konsumując je sekwencyjnie z twojego plecaka. !atkhighreset: Ustawia minimalną liczbę resets, aby zapobiec atakom na niechcianych graczy w PvP. Na przykład, z !atkhighreset 1000, twoja postać nie zaatakuje graczy z mniejszą niż 1000 liczbą resets.
Offline Trader
Leave your consumable items for sale here and you do not need to be online for other players buy from you. Only consumables can be added to sell: potions, refinements, staminas, artifacts, quest items, packs...
In-game Commands
!offer add, itemName, itemPrice, itemCount, currency
Example: !offer add, carnifes sword, 95, 1, pc
Example: !offer add, magic long sword, 3, 1, bip
Example: !offer add, magic long sword, 5, 1, key
ItemPrice is the value in pure coins, bipcoins or celestial keys
!offer buy, offerID
Example: !offer buy, 19430
!offer remove, offerID
Example: !offer remove, 19430
!offer withdraw, pc
Use this command to get the pure coins for sold items.
!offer withdraw, bip
Use this command to get the bipcoins for sold items.
!offer withdraw, key
Use this command to get the celestial keys for sold items.
Coin Values
Gold coin
Platinum coin
Crystal coin
Pure coin (pc)
Bipcoin (bip)
Celestial Key
1 Celestial Key
Mega Health Scroll
Increases +1% in total health.
17x Mega Health Scroll
7 bipcoins
!offer buy, 20485
(click to copy)
Stamina Refiller
Fully recharge your stamina.
40x Stamina Refiller
8 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20482
(click to copy)
Addon Doll Full
Use the command '!addon outfit name' to get a complete addon of any outfit. Example: !addon citizen
3x Addon Doll Full
9 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20481
(click to copy)
Exalted Refinement
If your weapon is +150 you can use Exalted Refinement to refine up to +200 without failure
10x Exalted Refinement
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 20474
(click to copy)
Exalted Refinement
If your weapon is +150 you can use Exalted Refinement to refine up to +200 without failure
10x Exalted Refinement
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 20473
(click to copy)
Exalted Refinement
If your weapon is +150 you can use Exalted Refinement to refine up to +200 without failure
10x Exalted Refinement
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 20472
(click to copy)
Exalted Refinement
If your weapon is +150 you can use Exalted Refinement to refine up to +200 without failure
10x Exalted Refinement
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 20471
(click to copy)
Elixir Of Experience
Instantly provides 25 trillion experience points. Recommended use for 500 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
50x Elixir Of Experience
3 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20469
(click to copy)
Ultimate Experience Potion
150% more experience for 1 hour.
60x Ultimate Experience Potion
6 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20467
(click to copy)
Sacred Stone
Used to compose Exalted Refinement
20x Sacred Stone
4 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20466
(click to copy)
Sacred Stone
Used to compose Exalted Refinement
20x Sacred Stone
4 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20465
(click to copy)
Sacred Stone
Used to compose Exalted Refinement
20x Sacred Stone
4 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20464
(click to copy)
Sacred Stone
Used to compose Exalted Refinement
50x Sacred Stone
10 bipcoins
!offer buy, 20457
(click to copy)
Addon Doll Full
Use the command '!addon outfit name' to get a complete addon of any outfit. Example: !addon citizen
3x Addon Doll Full
9 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20454
(click to copy)
Hourglass Of Experience
Instantly provides 1 trillion of experience points. Recommended use for 200 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
100x Hourglass Of Experience
500 pure coins
!offer buy, 20452
(click to copy)
Hourglass Of Experience
Instantly provides 1 trillion of experience points. Recommended use for 200 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
100x Hourglass Of Experience
500 pure coins
!offer buy, 20451
(click to copy)
Hourglass Of Experience
Instantly provides 1 trillion of experience points. Recommended use for 200 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
100x Hourglass Of Experience
500 pure coins
!offer buy, 20450
(click to copy)
Hourglass Of Experience
Instantly provides 1 trillion of experience points. Recommended use for 200 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
100x Hourglass Of Experience
500 pure coins
!offer buy, 20430
(click to copy)
Multi Arrow
Change the arrow element by clicking use.
1x Multi Arrow
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 20429
(click to copy)
Multi Arrow
Change the arrow element by clicking use.
1x Multi Arrow
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 20428
(click to copy)
Stamina Refiller
Fully recharge your stamina.
1x Stamina Refiller
2 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20415
(click to copy)
Stamina Refiller
Fully recharge your stamina.
1x Stamina Refiller
2 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20414
(click to copy)
Talisman Sorcerer T1
Used to craft t1 amulet at npc Mimik in the city of Carnifes.
50x Talisman Sorcerer T1
10 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20289
(click to copy)
Talisman Druid T1
Used to craft t1 amulet at npc Mimik in the city of Carnifes.
50x Talisman Druid T1
10 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20288
(click to copy)
Hardcore Experience Potion
500% more experience for 30 minutes. Hardcore potion, but normal characters can also use it.
20x Hardcore Experience Potion
15 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20279
(click to copy)
Ultimate Experience Potion
150% more experience for 1 hour.
20x Ultimate Experience Potion
10 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20278
(click to copy)
Ultimate Experience Potion
150% more experience for 1 hour.
20x Ultimate Experience Potion
10 bipcoins
!offer buy, 20277
(click to copy)
Experience Potion
100% more experience for 1 hour.
2x Experience Potion
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 20230
(click to copy)
Divinity Refinement
If your weapon is +100 you can use Divinity Refinement to refine up to +150 without failure
1x Divinity Refinement
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 20229
(click to copy)
Wild Thing Artifact
Used to compose Orion Refinement
100x Wild Thing Artifact
30 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20202
(click to copy)
Divinity Refinement
If your weapon is +100 you can use Divinity Refinement to refine up to +150 without failure
50x Divinity Refinement
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 20189
(click to copy)
Decoration Stuffed Bear Display
Open this pack inside your house to get the decorative item
1x Decoration Stuffed Bear Display
95 pure coins
!offer buy, 20148
(click to copy)
Health Buff
Buff your total health in 20% for 5 minutes.
5x Health Buff
200 pure coins
!offer buy, 20135
(click to copy)
Heart Of Immortality
Can be crafted at npc Phoena in Ab Dendriel. Used to compose Spiritual Refinement and Cosmic Refinement
50x Heart Of Immortality
20 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20090
(click to copy)
Heart Of Immortality
Can be crafted at npc Phoena in Ab Dendriel. Used to compose Spiritual Refinement and Cosmic Refinement
50x Heart Of Immortality
20 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20088
(click to copy)
Divinity Refinement
If your weapon is +100 you can use Divinity Refinement to refine up to +150 without failure
1x Divinity Refinement
1 celestial keys
!offer buy, 20058
(click to copy)
Maximal Health Scroll
If you have more than 3B health you can use to increases +1% in total health.
1x Maximal Health Scroll
10 celestial keys
!offer buy, 19999
(click to copy)
Maximal Health Scroll
If you have more than 3B health you can use to increases +1% in total health.
1x Maximal Health Scroll
9 bipcoins
!offer buy, 19998
(click to copy)
Mana Scroll
Increases 50.000 (50k) of total mana.
100x Mana Scroll
10 bipcoins
!offer buy, 19973
(click to copy)
Mana Scroll
Increases 50.000 (50k) of total mana.
100x Mana Scroll
10 bipcoins
!offer buy, 19972
(click to copy)
Mana Scroll
Increases 50.000 (50k) of total mana.
1x Mana Scroll
200 pure coins
!offer buy, 19646
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
20x Violet Token
10 celestial keys
!offer buy, 19643
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
3x Violet Token
3 celestial keys
!offer buy, 19640
(click to copy)
Divinity Refinement
If your weapon is +100 you can use Divinity Refinement to refine up to +150 without failure
1x Divinity Refination
2 celestial keys
!offer buy, 19411
(click to copy)
Divinity Refinement
If your weapon is +100 you can use Divinity Refinement to refine up to +150 without failure
1x Divinity Refination
2 celestial keys
!offer buy, 19410
(click to copy)
Mana Scroll
Increases 50.000 (50k) of total mana.
1x Mana Scroll
350 pure coins
!offer buy, 18699
(click to copy)
Mana Scroll
Increases 50.000 (50k) of total mana.
1x Mana Scroll
600 pure coins
!offer buy, 18060
(click to copy)
Ultra Refinement
Refine up your weapon to +100 without failure
12x Ultra Refination
800 pure coins
!offer buy, 17621
(click to copy)
Witaj, Bop Gun!
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