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Mar 27 2024
Wez udzial w Wydarzeniu Wielkanocnym, zbierajac Bunny Tokens z daily tasks i dostarczajac je do Easter Bunny w Ab Dendriel, aby otrzymac ekskluzywne nagrody, dostepne do 31 marca. Pamietaj, tokeny sa osobiste i musza byc zbierane indywidualnie.
Mar 21 2024
Nowy system amuletów wprowadza atrybuty obronne PvP, bonusy do umiejętności oraz efekty Unlimited Amulet of Loss, obejmujące zakres od T1 do T4; po szczegóły sprawdź wiki lub użyj komendy !talisman.
Mar 13 2024
Gulliver the Nomad powrócił i teraz znajduje się w mieście Oak Grove, przynosząc trzy nowe ekskluzywne plecaki: Nasa Backpack, Lumberjack Backpack i Carnival Backpack. Plecaki, stworzone przez GM Kashima, ekskluzywne dla Canob. Oddaj Lucky Clovers (globalny łup ze wszystkich potworów), aby losowo wygrać jeden z tych plecaków i eliksiry doświadczenia. Gulliver będzie dostępny do 25 marca.
Mar 09 2024
Loot z potworów z normalnych raids został znacznie zwiększony, ułatwiając zdobycie cennych przedmiotów, więc weź udział w raids i użyj polecenia !raids, aby sprawdzić harmonogram nadchodzących inwazji.
Lut 25 2024
Weź udział w Konkursie Dekoracji Domów Edycja Numer 3, aby mieć szansę na wygranie wspaniałych nagród, prezentując swoje umiejętności dekoracyjne. Więcej szczegółów na Forum [4].
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Loot List

Use the browser command "ctrl + f" to locate a particular item or monster

* This list does not contain all monster of server only the most hunted

Creature Name
Creature Loots (Chance to drop)
  arzen helmet --- Very Rare (0.13%)
sortina hat --- Very Rare (0.13%)
sword fragmented --- Very Rare (0.16%)
mask of torture --- Very Rare (0.16%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (16%)
magic bottle --- Very Rare (0.32%)
dodge skill book --- Very Rare (0.048%)
  arzen boots --- Very Rare (0.13%)
sortina boots --- Very Rare (0.13%)
dracula blade --- Very Rare (0.168%)
crystal hammer --- Very Rare (0.168%)
health scroll --- Very Rare (0.032%)
magic bottle --- Very Rare (0.36%)
dodge skill book --- Very Rare (0.064%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (15.6%)
  arzen shield --- Very Rare (0.13%)
sortina shield --- Very Rare (0.13%)
dragon killer --- Very Rare (0.16%)
salamander shield --- Very Rare (0.16%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.032%)
dodge skill book --- Very Rare (0.072%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (16.4%)
Black Annis
  arzen legs --- Very Rare (0.13%)
sortina legs --- Very Rare (0.13%)
health scroll --- Very Rare (0.016%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.016%)
magic bottle --- Very Rare (0.48%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (15.6%)
King Sek
  arzen armor --- Very Rare (0.13%)
sortina robe --- Very Rare (0.13%)
king sword --- Very Rare (0.168%)
magic bottle --- Very Rare (0.48%)
dodge skill book --- Very Rare (0.08%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (15.6%)
Frost Smaug
  staff of sortina --- Very Rare (0.10%)
sortina robe --- Very Rare (0.13%)
mana buff --- Rare (0.64%)
dodge skill book --- Very Rare (0.12%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (16.4%)
  arzen sword --- Very Rare (0.10%)
arzen axe --- Very Rare (0.10%)
arzen bow --- Very Rare (0.10%)
health buff --- Rare (0.64%)
dodge skill book --- Very Rare (0.12%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (16.4%)
Lizard Spirit
  blessed axe  --- Very Rare (0.176%)
health scroll --- Very Rare (0.024%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.056%)
magic bottle --- Rare (0.64%)
dodge skill book --- Very Rare (0.16%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (18%)
Dark Tortoise
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.048%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.032%)
magic bottle --- Very Rare (0.4%)
dodge skill book --- Very Rare (0.16%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (22.8%)
Marsh Raider
  goldun helmet --- Very Rare (0.07%)
clisma helmet --- Very Rare (0.10%)
health scroll --- Very Rare (0.024%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.032%)
magic bottle --- Very Rare (0.32%)
dodge skill book --- Very Rare (0.104%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (14.8%)
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.07%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.096%)
health buff --- Rare (0.56%)
mana buff --- Rare (0.56%)
magic bottle --- Rare (0.64%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (25.2%)
  goldun boots --- Very Rare (0.07%)
goldun shield --- Very Rare (0.07%)
clisma boots --- Very Rare (0.07%)
clisma shield --- Very Rare (0.07%)
health scroll --- Very Rare (0.024%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.032%)
mana buff --- Rare (0.68%)
magic bottle --- Very Rare (0.4%)
dodge skill book --- Very Rare (0.208%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (25.2%)
  yalahari mask  --- Very Rare (0.048%)
yalahari shoes --- Very Rare (0.048%)
yalahari leg piece --- Very Rare (0.048%)
yalahari armor --- Very Rare (0.048%)
health scroll --- Very Rare (0.088%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.08%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (31.6%)
Night King
  frozen blade  --- Very Rare (0.168%)
frozen axe --- Very Rare (0.168%)
health scroll --- Very Rare (0.12%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.12%)
sacred stone --- Very Rare (0.064%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (15.6%)
  goldun armor --- Very Rare (0.07%)
goldun legs --- Very Rare (0.07%)
clisma robe --- Very Rare (0.07%)
clisma legs --- Very Rare (0.07%)
health scroll --- Very Rare (0.112%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.112%)
health buff --- Rare (0.68%)
magic bottle --- Very Rare (0.4%)
dodge skill book --- Very Rare (0.184%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (25.2%)
Chaotic Golem
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.12%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.12%)
sacred stone --- Very Rare (0.12%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (32.8%)
Corrupted Djinn
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.136%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.136%)
sacred stone --- Very Rare (0.28%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (36%)
  goldun sword --- Very Rare (0.05%)
goldun axe --- Very Rare (0.05%)
goldun bow --- Very Rare (0.05%)
staff of clisma --- Very Rare (0.05%)
health scroll --- Very Rare (0.12%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.12%)
health buff --- Rare (0.72%)
mana buff --- Rare (0.72%)
dodge skill book --- Very Rare (0.208%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (28.4%)
Holy Doom
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.12%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.12%)
sacred stone --- Very Rare (0.32%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (37.6%)
Moon Dragon
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.136%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.136%)
moon dragon artifact --- Very Rare (0.28%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (48%)
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.144%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.144%)
bakunawa artifact --- Very Rare (0.28%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (52%)
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.152%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.152%)
cadaver artifact --- Very Rare (0.28%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (56%)
Straw Freak
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.172%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.172%)
straw freak artifact --- Very Rare (0.28%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (78%)
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.195%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.195%)
salazar artifact --- Very Rare (0.28%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (83%)
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.215%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.215%)
baphomet artifact --- Very Rare (0.18%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (85%)
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.220%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.220%)
rakshasa artifact --- Very Rare (0.18%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (88%)
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.250%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.250%)
redbone artifact --- Very Rare (0.13%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (90%)
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.270%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.270%)
colossus artifact --- Very Rare (0.13%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (90%)
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.285%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.285%)
acromantula artifact --- Very Rare (0.13%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (90%)
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.300%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.300%)
burzum artifact --- Very Rare (0.13%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (90%)
Demon Knight
  sacred demon helmet  --- Very Rare (0.15%)
sacred demon armor --- Very Rare (0.15%)
sacred demon legs --- Very Rare (0.15%)
health scroll --- Very Rare (0.350%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.350%)
demon knight artifact --- Very Rare (0.13%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (90%)
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.325%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.325%)
pest egg --- Very Rare (0.13%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (90%)
  health scroll  --- Very Rare (0.325%)
mana scroll --- Very Rare (0.325%)
akumakori artifact --- Very Rare (0.13%)
crystal coin --- Not Rare (90%)

Invasions (Raid) Monsters:

Creature Name
Creature Loots (Chance to drop)
Lucky Elf
  pure coin  --- Not Rare (80%)
hourglass of experience --- Not Rare (50%)
celestial key fragments --- Not Rare (5%)
health scroll --- Not Rare (25%)
mana scroll --- Not Rare (25%)
Lucky Chakoya
  pure coin  --- Not Rare (80%)
hourglass of experience --- Not Rare (50%)
celestial key fragments --- Not Rare (5%)
health scroll --- Not Rare (25%)
mana scroll --- Not Rare (25%)
Lucky Mummy
  pure coin  --- Not Rare (80%)
hourglass of experience --- Not Rare (50%)
celestial key fragments --- Not Rare (5%)
health scroll --- Not Rare (25%)
mana scroll --- Not Rare (25%)
Lucky Goblin
  pure coin  --- Not Rare (80%)
hourglass of experience --- Not Rare (50%)
celestial key fragments --- Not Rare (5%)
health scroll --- Not Rare (25%)
mana scroll --- Not Rare (25%)
Lucky Ghoul
  pure coin  --- Not Rare (80%)
hourglass of experience --- Not Rare (50%)
celestial key fragments --- Not Rare (5%)
health scroll --- Not Rare (25%)
mana scroll --- Not Rare (25%)
Frost Colossus
  pure coin  --- Not Rare (100%)
hourglass of experience --- Not Rare (80%)
celestial key fragments --- Not Rare (10%)
health scroll --- Not Rare (80%)
mana scroll --- Not Rare (80%)
  pure coin  --- Not Rare (100%)
hourglass of experience --- Not Rare (100%)
health scroll --- Not Rare (100%)
mana scroll --- Not Rare (100%)
celestial key --- Not Rare (100%)

Bosses Monsters:

Creature Name
Creature Loots (Chance to drop)
  experience potion  --- Not Rare (100%)
  ultimate experience potion  --- Not Rare (100%)
  hardcore experience potion  --- Not Rare (100%)
God Of Heresy
  divinity refination  --- Not Rare (100%)
(team boss)
  pure coins  --- Not Rare (100%)
  hourglass of experience  --- Not Rare (100%) 
  experience potion  --- Not Rare (100%)
  celestial key  --- Not Rare (100%)
Witaj, Fulla!
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